Friday 24 July 2015

Trip to Valentia July 23rd 2015/Mallow ARA

A full coach (52) from Mallow ARA visited Valentia Island on Thursday 23rd July.We were blessed with a lovely sunny day but not too hot.We started out at 8 am as it is along journey from Mallow and we wanted to fit in as much as possible. our first stop was at Bunkers restaurant in Killorglin where they had Tea/Coffee and scones waiting for us.Then we travelled on to Valentia through beautiful countryside where we stopped at Knightstown for a wander around and a bite of lunch. Then we headed for the Skellig Heritage Centre.We saw a brief video of the Skellig rocks which was truly awesome. This was followed by a two hour trip to the Skelligs rocks. It was absolutely fantastic and well worth the trip. As the boats could only take 12 people we had to go out there in relays in several boats.The rocks are colonised by thousands of birds including Gannet, Guillemot and Puffin. At times the amount of birds there look like a carpet. In the meantime there is a shop cafe and exhibition in the building . Also as it was so fine we could sit outside on the grass or the benches while waiting our turn. all this was pre booked of course but we could not all be accomadated together. After a wonderful afternoon on Valentia we headed back to Bunkers where a lovely meal was waiting for us having ordered it in the morning.
Mae Eddie and Bernadette
Mae Margaret and Bernadette

Connor and Michael

Photographs Michael Stubbs and Margaret McCarthy

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