Thursday 9 July 2015

Calender of Events 3rd and 4th quarter 2015

No meetings for month of August and no day trip. Drop in to Arches for cuppa and a chat on Wednesdays at 2.30pm.

August 17th  River Cruise on the Rhine to Germany and Switzerland for 7 nts
This trip is completely booked out but there are lots of other trips available for Sept and Oct. Contact Ruth at Travel Focus on 021 4320898 or call to 7 Anglesea Terrace, Cork

Sept 8th Coffee morning and bring and buy for Hospice at meeting

 September 24th Day Trip to Lough Gur and visit award winning garden.

September 28th 3 ngt break at Sheraton hotel Athlone . Coach from and back to Mallow.Trips organised each day.B&B&D each day.Travelling with JMG travel.

Oct 5th       Regional meeting and speaker in Gleneagle Hotel Killarney

Oct 11th 7 nt trip to Nerja. Half board from Cork. Sold out.

October 22 nd Day Trip to Powerscourt

Nov12th Afternoon tea at Dromoland Castle

November 16th  3ngt break to Waterford staying at Granville Hotel. B&Band D each day and all entertainment laid on.Travelling by public transport.

November 22nd 1 or 2 week sun holiday to Teneriffe with Shandon Travel.

November 23/24th  2 ngt break Krismas Krackers at Gleneagle hotel Killarney. This is being organised by Southern Region ARI. 2 ngts B&Band Dinner including Gala Christmas dinner on the second night , all for the price of €99 pps. €20 ss

Dec 10th Christmas lunch at Ballygarry House  Tralee

Dec 15th Irish coffee morning and party at Mercy centre

Jan 6th 2016 Little christmas dinner.Overnight stay at Royal Hotel Killarney. €70.50 pps. €99 for single

Jan 26th AGM at Mercy Centre

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