Monday 6 July 2015

Marigold Series

The Marigold Series was held at  the Racecourse Mallow in Combination with the Mallow Home and Garden Festival this year over a 3 day period 5th 6th and 7th June. The weather was very kind to us and in excess of 80,000 attended the show . We had 20 stands booked on health and well being for the older person. there was great buzz and interest at all stands. Active Retirement  had a stand manned voluntarilly by our members and we had many visits from potential members as well as members. A lot of people were interested in The Men Wanted Poster!
Anne Doyle former RTE presenter and Newsreader officially opened the show. Anne was collected at the railway station in a vintage Daimler organised by John Noel Cronin .
Michael and Jean Stubbs manning the stand with AnnO Brien in the background

Anne Doyle and Mai Quaid with the Daimler in the background
Michael Stubbs Margaret McCarthy and Noreen Lawler
Jennifer and Noeleen of Home Instead, Mai Quaid, Cathy Home Instead Kay Murphy Bernie O Leary and Noreen Lawlor
Cathy Anne Doyle and Mai
All photos Martin Casey
Anne Doyle
Noreen Anne and Mai
There were about 100 vintage cars tractors motorbikes and even a horse trap at the show.
The trap reminded me about my extreme youth when I went to Mass in a trap. That was before we aquired a Baby Ford, wine and black and with real leather seats. Wish I had it now!

2 Traps in good nick at the show

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