Friday 24 July 2015

Trip to Valentia July 23rd 2015/Mallow ARA

A full coach (52) from Mallow ARA visited Valentia Island on Thursday 23rd July.We were blessed with a lovely sunny day but not too hot.We started out at 8 am as it is along journey from Mallow and we wanted to fit in as much as possible. our first stop was at Bunkers restaurant in Killorglin where they had Tea/Coffee and scones waiting for us.Then we travelled on to Valentia through beautiful countryside where we stopped at Knightstown for a wander around and a bite of lunch. Then we headed for the Skellig Heritage Centre.We saw a brief video of the Skellig rocks which was truly awesome. This was followed by a two hour trip to the Skelligs rocks. It was absolutely fantastic and well worth the trip. As the boats could only take 12 people we had to go out there in relays in several boats.The rocks are colonised by thousands of birds including Gannet, Guillemot and Puffin. At times the amount of birds there look like a carpet. In the meantime there is a shop cafe and exhibition in the building . Also as it was so fine we could sit outside on the grass or the benches while waiting our turn. all this was pre booked of course but we could not all be accomadated together. After a wonderful afternoon on Valentia we headed back to Bunkers where a lovely meal was waiting for us having ordered it in the morning.
Mae Eddie and Bernadette
Mae Margaret and Bernadette

Connor and Michael

Photographs Michael Stubbs and Margaret McCarthy

Thursday 9 July 2015

Calender of Events 3rd and 4th quarter 2015

No meetings for month of August and no day trip. Drop in to Arches for cuppa and a chat on Wednesdays at 2.30pm.

August 17th  River Cruise on the Rhine to Germany and Switzerland for 7 nts
This trip is completely booked out but there are lots of other trips available for Sept and Oct. Contact Ruth at Travel Focus on 021 4320898 or call to 7 Anglesea Terrace, Cork

Sept 8th Coffee morning and bring and buy for Hospice at meeting

 September 24th Day Trip to Lough Gur and visit award winning garden.

September 28th 3 ngt break at Sheraton hotel Athlone . Coach from and back to Mallow.Trips organised each day.B&B&D each day.Travelling with JMG travel.

Oct 5th       Regional meeting and speaker in Gleneagle Hotel Killarney

Oct 11th 7 nt trip to Nerja. Half board from Cork. Sold out.

October 22 nd Day Trip to Powerscourt

Nov12th Afternoon tea at Dromoland Castle

November 16th  3ngt break to Waterford staying at Granville Hotel. B&Band D each day and all entertainment laid on.Travelling by public transport.

November 22nd 1 or 2 week sun holiday to Teneriffe with Shandon Travel.

November 23/24th  2 ngt break Krismas Krackers at Gleneagle hotel Killarney. This is being organised by Southern Region ARI. 2 ngts B&Band Dinner including Gala Christmas dinner on the second night , all for the price of €99 pps. €20 ss

Dec 10th Christmas lunch at Ballygarry House  Tralee

Dec 15th Irish coffee morning and party at Mercy centre

Jan 6th 2016 Little christmas dinner.Overnight stay at Royal Hotel Killarney. €70.50 pps. €99 for single

Jan 26th AGM at Mercy Centre

Monday 6 July 2015


Fungie at Dingle 
Photo by Rene Collins

Birds feeding

photos Margaret McCarthy

Marigold Series

The Marigold Series was held at  the Racecourse Mallow in Combination with the Mallow Home and Garden Festival this year over a 3 day period 5th 6th and 7th June. The weather was very kind to us and in excess of 80,000 attended the show . We had 20 stands booked on health and well being for the older person. there was great buzz and interest at all stands. Active Retirement  had a stand manned voluntarilly by our members and we had many visits from potential members as well as members. A lot of people were interested in The Men Wanted Poster!
Anne Doyle former RTE presenter and Newsreader officially opened the show. Anne was collected at the railway station in a vintage Daimler organised by John Noel Cronin .
Michael and Jean Stubbs manning the stand with AnnO Brien in the background

Anne Doyle and Mai Quaid with the Daimler in the background
Michael Stubbs Margaret McCarthy and Noreen Lawler
Jennifer and Noeleen of Home Instead, Mai Quaid, Cathy Home Instead Kay Murphy Bernie O Leary and Noreen Lawlor
Cathy Anne Doyle and Mai
All photos Martin Casey
Anne Doyle
Noreen Anne and Mai
There were about 100 vintage cars tractors motorbikes and even a horse trap at the show.
The trap reminded me about my extreme youth when I went to Mass in a trap. That was before we aquired a Baby Ford, wine and black and with real leather seats. Wish I had it now!

2 Traps in good nick at the show

AGM Slieve Russel Hotel Cavan April 2015

Our AGM was held this year at the Slieve Russell Hotel in Cavan in April.
Mai Quaid was re elected as President and Kay Murphy elected as Vice President.

Bernie Anne Kay John Noel Nancy and Noreen enjoying themselves 
Bernie O leary and Anne O Brien