Monday 3 June 2019

Bloom 2019

I visited Bloom again this year. I was lucky with the day as it stayed dry and was sunny in the afternoon . A lot of people had coats and umbrellas as it was showery in the morning when leaving home.There were wonderful gardens as usual and lots of vibrant flowers and plants.  Theres as much food as flowers there these days. There was food from just about every nationality.It was very interesting to see the chefs demonstrating. Paul Flynn from the Tannery in Waterford was the one I saw.I got lots of tips from him and a nice cook book.It was difficult to get pictures of the gardens with people crowding around but I got a few anyway.
I stopped at the hog stand when I saw a hog roasting and had a roast hog in a brioche which in plain language is pulled pork fried onions apple sauce in a soft bap. Delicious! For dessert I had a pancake with strawberries rhubarb granola and cream. Yum Yum!

Gary Graham of Bloom and RTE Showgartden 
 Doggy garden winner of Super garden in RTE
Selling Gelatos
Photos Margaret Mc Carthy

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