Thursday 2 February 2017

Southern Region AGM

The Southern Region will hold their AGM on Wednesday 22nd February at 11 am in the Gleneagle Hotel. All are welcome.

At the AGM Mai Quaid announced that she was not going forward for President next term. She said she enjoyed her time going around visiting all the ARAs and attending meetings etc and would miss us all.
Nancy Hegarty did not attend and Kay Murphy read the minutes and report
Margaret McCarthy PRO said she would not be going forward for PRO and committee after 10 years on committee and four years as PRO. She said she enjoyed her time and mentioned all the hard work put in by the committee for the Marigold Festival in particular and thanked them all and Cathy Courtney from Home Instead Senior Care.
All officers were returned unapposed except PRO as follows

Noreen Lawlor  Chair
Kevin Mc Sweeney  Vice -chair
Nancy Hegarty  Secretary
Martin Casey Treasurer

Bernie O Leary

A lively discussion followed the election. Among the subjects discussed was fund raising. A lot of people objected to the letters sent out looking for donations. Mai said she was sorry and it was not passed by the board.The subject of the new memberdhips cards was discussed . Mai said new cards would be coming out shortly. This was also a mistake but the cost was being borne by a certain company.The treasurer from Mallow said she was surprised that there was no help or advice  on the website for treasurers. Mai said she would bring it before the board.There was a general discussion about the affiliation fee, most people agreed they would not abject to an increase so long as it was gradual.

Martin Casey, Kay Murphy, Noreen lawler, Mai Quaid and Ann O Brien

Section of the crowd who attended.
Photos Margaret McCarthy
Margaret being presented with certificate of thanks by Noreen Lawlor

Brenda Greene and Michael Stubbs Mallow, Margaret with  Mai Quaid and Monica Kelleher Donoughmore

Brenda and Margaret
Photos Michael Stubbs

I invite you to send me photos of your garden in Spring. It is great to see the flowers poking their little heads out now!

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