Thursday 2 February 2017


Mallow ARA held their AGM on Tuesday 31st January. A large crowd attended.

Pearl Lowney stood down as Secretary after 4 yrs as well as some committee members.

Our new line up is as follows.

Mary G Murphy Chairperson
Michael Stubbs Vice chair
Phil Regan Secretary
 Maureen O Mahoney Asst Secretary
Breeda Murphy Treasurer

Bridie O Connell
Gabrielle France
Nora O Connor
 Pearl Lowney 

Sheila Lane 
Eileen Forde

Section of the crowd

Pearl is sad to be going
Enjoying the chat

Front row l to rt Maureen O Mahoney,Phil Regan,Mary G Murphy and Breeda Murphy
Back row l to rt Bridie O Connell, Gabrielle France,Michael Stubbs, Nora O Connor,Pearl Lowney and Sheila Lane. Eileen Forde missing from 'photo as her sheep were lambing!
Good luck to you all I am sure you will have a great programme ready for the year.

Eileen is back from the lambing. only one lamb yet.
I hope to get some 'photos of the lambs soon.
Photo Michael Stubbs

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