Friday 24 June 2016

mallow go to south west kerry

Mallow had a lovely trip to south west Kerry on Thurs 23rd June.We visited the Skellig chocolate factory where we had tastings of the fabulous chocolate, the art gallery of the Cill Rialig artists centre,Waterville, the Barracks museum near Caherciveen , the church in Caherciveen dedicated to Daniel O Connell and finished up at the Castlerosse hotel in Killarney for a delicious meal. A long and very tiring trip but very enjoyable.
Nora, Brenda,Bridie and Eileen

Bernie,Margaret and Kathleen
Kay, Rita Margaret and Joan

Pat and Liz
Gina,Mary, Rene, Eileen and Mae

Mary, Eileen, Pearl and Eileen

Mary Denis Breeda and Dora

Daniel O Connell

Mae and Gabrielle
Mary and lil

Ros and the guard
Ros, Gina, Sheila and Margaret

Eileen and Margaret

Margaret and Brenda
 An exhibition in the Art gallery

Margaret and your man
Lish and her favourite painting

An unusual painting on a dish
Lil and a stretcher marked Mallow

The Barracks museum near Caherciveen
At the Skelligs chocolate factory

Mary Gina and Rene

Betty Brenda and Eileen with Charlie Chaplin

Photos Noreen Lucey Rene Collins and Mgt McCarthy

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