Wednesday 10 February 2016

Visit to Cuba

Rene and Jerry Collins from Mallow ARA recently went on a trip to Cuba. They travelled from Dublin via Amsterdam to Havana approximately 13 hours and arrived at 3pm on New Years Eve. They were picked up at the airport on their arrival and taken to their accommodation , a family home and three flights up to their room. They had elected to travel with Trailfinders and stay in family homes known as Casas. That evening they met at a local restaurant where they were introduced to the rest of the group mostly packpackers  mainly  from Australia.The sun was shining which was lovely but it was extremely hot and they needed to keep well hydrated. They were warned not to drink tap water or even brush their teeth with it. They found the country very strange , no Irish breakfast only eggs bread and fruit every day. Jerry likes his vegetables and they were not in plentiful supply.A few of their group succumbed to the heat and strange food but settled after a few days.
The group was divided up as regards accommodation and they spent one or two nights in each casa so there was a .lot of moving around. They went around by coach and their guide was wonderful. The houses were mostly small with one or more additions.There were fabulous american cars there but looking a bit the worse for wear.The streets were narrow and cobblestoned. The shops were empty for the most part.The people seemed to be very happy despite being poor and they loved to sing and dance. Each evening they met at the village square dressed in their finery and danced and sang and played music. in family groups.
 They visited the Bay of Pigs, Guantamino and saw the monument to Che Guavara and the tomb where Fidel Castro will be laid to rest.They also visited a cigar making factory which definitely would not pass health and safety standards here.!
 They had a very enjoyable holiday unusual and definitely something to talk about but were exhausted after 16 days trekking.However my motto is we might as well travel while we can as we don't what's around the next corner.

A small flavour of Renes holiday

Tomb where Fidel Castro will be buried

Market place

Re cycling cans

The jarveys in Havanna
A butcher's shop in Cuba

Art in Cuba
More art. Fabulous colours!
Monument to Che Guevara

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