Thursday 18 February 2016

Southern Region AGM

The Southern Region of Active Retirement held their AGM on Monday 15th February in the Gleneagle Hotel. this was attended by May Quaid our President , our CEO Maureen Kavanagh and Board Member Kay Murphy. John Noel Cronin stood down as chairperson having completed his term of office. He was thanked and complimented for his dedication by our President.
New Committee
Noreen Lawlor  chairperson  Carrigaline
Kevin McSweeney  Vice Chairperson  Ovens
Nancy Hegarty  Secretary Killarney
Martin Casey  Treasurer  Ovens
Margaret McCarthy  PRO  Mallow
Bernie O Leary  Committee  Killarney
John Noel Cronin committee Mallow and Kilshannig

May Quaid advised us to speak to the politicians and demand a Minister for older people.
Maureen Kavanagh advised us to ask about Positive Ageing Strategy and what they are doing about it. Also healthy ageing and protection of our income.
A lively discussion ensued including subjects such as home help care, bed blocking, empty nesting,etc
Our President said she hoped to meet us at the National AGM in the Slieve Russell hotel on 25/26th of April.
John Noel said we would be going ahead again this year with the marigold Festival at the Mallow Home and gardens show at the Racecourse on  27/28/29 May and he has great plans for it building on our experience of last year.
Maureen also spoke about the 4 day initiave being hosted by the Gleneagle in conjunction with Active Retirement called Give it a Go . This is a four day event mid week in the Gleneagle when we can try different activities once or more times including Bridge, Bowls,Golf ,Pitch and Putt, Online dating, sky diving,surfing, motor bike ride outs, photography,art creative writing etc etc There is a special offer to stay in the Gleneagle or the Brehon. You can also attend for one day for €25.
Call 064 6671550 or e mail or book on line at
The dates for that are 13th to 17th June.
After lunch we had dancing with music by The Singing Jarvey and had a very enjoyable day.
May Quaid and Ned Reck from Middleton ARA who recruited the most men last year.
Mixed group of dancers
Enjoying the Slosh
Margaret Gretta and Eileen
Gretta Michael Joan and Eileen

Maureen Kavanagh, May Quaid, John Noel Cronin,Margaret McCarthy,Kay Murphy and Eileen Cronin

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