Wednesday 23 December 2015

Southern Region

The National AGM is now changed to 27th April - due to the attendance of our President and Patron Michael D. Higgins -  its in The Slieve Russell Hotel in Cavan

Trade & Tourism Show - May 18th -Clayton Whites Hotel Wexford Town - "Give it a Go Festival" - Gleneagle Hotel - Killarney - 13th to 17th of June -

National Bowls Competition  and Activity Brreak - 11th to 15th September inclusive  Breaffy House Resort - Castlebar, Co. Mayo

National Raffle Tickets available from May 2016

Nancy Hegarty

Tuesday 22 December 2015

Christmasses past

I would like to hear from members with memories of Christmasses past.

I remember hanging up our stockings for Santy but as our socks were very small we hung up our Dad's work socks which were roomy hoping to get more I suppose. In the morning we each had an orange in the toe and other items such as sweets colouring books and pencils. We got one bigger item such as a doll or train or car. We were very excited and were easily pleased in those days. As we lived in the country we often had goose (our own) and plum pudding but the highlight for me was Sherry trifle. You guessed it I have a sweet tooth!
I particularly remember going to early morning Mass as we were fasting all night (from 6pm the previous night) Adults fasted from Midnight but of course we were gone to bed earlier in case we would meet up with Santy, then we would get no presents! But I really loved those early morning Masses as it was still dark and the candles lighting in the church made it magical somehow.

Christmas was a special time for the children in our house in Rockchapel. I remember the the house was scrubbed from top to bottom.We had turkeys and pigs on the farm so we had turkey and ham, the cake was made 6 weeks in advance also the plum pudding.There were three country shops nearby so we went for groceries in each one. we got a gift from each shop which could be Butter loaf, loose tea or biscuits. On Christmas Eve my father went to the village in the horse and car for stout , beer and lemonade (a rare treat).When he arrived home he got the candles ready for each window, in our case three upstairs and three downstairs. He used red pound candles and placed them in 2 lb jam jars set in meal which was in the shed for the calves feed.He had been putting the jam jars aside for a while but if he didn't have enough he used turnips.
The highlight for the children was to go up the hill and look down on the village and surrounding land and see all the lighted candles twinkling in the dark. Pure Magic!
Christmas started with early mass and afterwards a big fry a rare treat indeed. Dinner would be at about 3oclock.Turkey and ham plum pudding and trifle with our own cream.On St Stephen;s day we went out" hunting the wren".Going around the area in groups singing and dancing and enjoying ourselves calling to each house where we might be asked to entertain and be given a token few pence or a slice of barm brack. I have great memories of happiness at Christmas in my young days. It was so simple then, easy to make us happy.

I remember getting a railway track from my Godmother Nora one year. It had sections of track to be put together and a car with Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse and they bobbed up and down as they went around the track. My maiden aunt came to us for dinner of Turkey and ham and then my father went to visit his elderly aunt and cousins. They had goose so he had another dinner of greasy goose which he loved. He then had to have a large glass of whiskey and as they did not drink in that house they poured it out like lemonade and he dare not insult them!
After dinner I mostly went to my grandmothers house where they had a fire lighting in the parlour upstairs over the grocer's shop on this only day of the year.After 4 oclock the aunts and uncles and cousins came to visit . All the children played games while the adults had a drink and talk of old times.The grandparents were delighted to have all or most of the family there.
I remember the candle in the turnip in the front room window on Christmas Eve.All shops and pubs were closed on that day.The pubs opened for 2 hours on St Stephens day.
The only days my grandparents closed were on Christmas day and good Friday.They worked from 9am to 6pm or later and 1pm to 6pm on Sundays. Six and half days a week 363 days a year.That was hard work!
My grandparents were up at 7am each day to cut the butter in half pounds and wrap in greaseproof paper and weigh and bag the tea and sugar in special bags.The bacon and pigs heads and crubeens came in jute sacks and the bacon had to be cut up as well according to customers wishes.
They are lovely memories to have of my youth.

I am also a rural girl from the West of Ireland. I remember the excitement on Christmas morning. My Mam and Dad got up early and we all set off for early Mass.For the dinner we had a big black pot placed over the open fire where the goose was cooked.When it was cooking in its own fat she moved it onto a Brandine. this was like a trivot on three legs. Hot coals  and hard black turf was placed under and on the lid of this Brandine.It was a very important job to keep the fire going, a full time job to keep the fire stoked.,Mam stuffed the goose with potato stuffing made with mashed potato, scallions,buttter and flour and seasoned with salt, pepper and thyme.The smell of cooking around the house was fantastic.
When I was six we got the electricity in the house, prior to this it was oil lamps and candles.My mam's sister had an electrical shop in the nearest town(Castlerea), so we were the first in our area to get fairy lights for the tree which was placed in the front window of the parlour and they came from far and near to see the magical lights!
We always had mam's younger brother and sister to stay at Christmas causing great excitement for us children as they put on a show of traditional music after dinner  and later played cards.On the following morning we looked forward to breakfast cooked  by Dad. Traditionly it was stuffing which had leaked into the goose fat which he heated in the frying pan and it was absolutely delicious. With full bellies we set out on the wren.Dad made the false faces for us( known as the wrenboys ) which we wore and had a great time going around to the neighbours houses where they tried to identify us while we entertained them with music and song for which we were treated to barmbrack or sweets or other treats.We walked for miles and miles as the houses were few and far between so we fell into bed tired but happy that night.It is great to have such happy memories of my childhood.
We lived in the town and went to our grandparents in the country on Christmas day.We were very excited but what stands out in my memory most of all was the raspberry cordial our granny gave us. It was bright red and tasted delicious and we got it only on Christmas day each year.
Mart F
What I remember most about Christmas is the decorations and glitter and tinfoil everywhere it seemed.My mother had covered the pudding and cake trifle etc with tinfoil. I suppose tinfoil was new at that time but it impressed me no end.I also remember the making of the Christmas cake before Christmas and the red lemonade which we rarely saw.The other memory was the great big roaring fire  for which we got a load of turf well before Christmas.
What I remember most was the decorations and the Christmas tree. We got fairy lights for the first time and they were magic twinkling with different colours.I remember being very excited as we visited our grandparents and met all our aunts and uncles and cousins. it was very exciting for all the children to be together as we did not meet very often.

Killarney ARA

A group from Killarney  organised by Nancy Hegarty and Bernie O Leary went on their Annual break to Treacy's Hotel Waterford city for the Christmas Crackers Festival November 30th to December 4th. We celebrated Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and St Stephen's day and everybody got a present from Santa Claus. A very enjoyable time was had by all.

Tuesday 17 November 2015

seniors card.

I have learnt through Citizen's Information that a seniors card is available to our members free of charge which entitles people to a discount at certain shops. To avail of this send A5 envelope stamped and addressed to yourself to

Senior Discount Card
Unit E
Merrywell Business Park
Ballymount Road Lower
Dublin 12
A list of shops giving this discount will be included

Monday 16 November 2015

Afternoon Tea at Dromoland Castle

On Thursday 12th November we visited Dromoland Castle for afternoon tea. There were 60 of us and the room was ready all beautifully laid out with delicate floral china. The waiters were very attentive pouring tea through strainers and filling the coffee cups. Then the food arrived and it looked fabulous sandwiches, smoked salmon with cream cheese and capers, crab, ham, egg and caesrar, egg mayonnaise, scones with jam and cream and dainties, little cakes of different colours and flavours and fruit cake. One cake was shortbread with raspberries on top decorated with gold leaf. When we had devoured all that the waiters came around with more. I must have put on a stone!
It was a most enjoyable afternoon and the staff were fantastic. It is a beautiful building and well worth a visit.

The ladies enjoying their meal
The raspberries with gold leaf
Selection of food.

Sunday 15 November 2015

Lixnaw ARA

This a lovely picture taken at Lixnaw ARA meeting where they are making up christmas boxes for children in need. Included is Bridget McCarthy Outreach Worker for the area. Thanks Bridget. Well done to all the ladies at Lixnaw.

Tuesday 10 November 2015

Mallow ARA

Upcoming speakers

Solicitor speaking on Enduring Power of Attorney   1st December

Erina speaking on Nutrition

Speaker on Macular Degenerative Disease of the eye.Feb 9th

Psychologist speaking on Chronic Pain

Extra Trip visit to Glenstall Abbey for Gregorian Chant followed by lunch Friday 27th November

Talk on CPR by Nurse O Keeffe 1st Responder Community Services Feb 23rd

Friday 6 November 2015


Mary Allen of Avondhu/Blackwater is inviting you to attend a talk on making a will by Richard Hammond Mallow Solicitor at Castletownroche Mill at 11 am on Wednesday 18th November. Contact Mary for further information or to make a booking.
022 46584

Talk on security on Jan 20th


For sale a Bowls mat with cover including balls and a fender. €500. To be collected.
Contact Bob Scott at Ballyduff.


Wednesday 14 October 2015

Mallow Volunteers

Mallow ARA have started a new venture Volunteer Receptionists at the Mallow Primary Care Health Centre. We have 10 volunteersa to begin with and have 2 people on duty Monday and Thursday mornings on a rota basis. We will be based inside the main door and will assist with directions and guidance to specific clinics. We began on Monday 12th October and so far our members are enjoying it.We have 18 Doctors in three different practices and 14 clinics as well as 25 other facilities plus an optician,chemist and a cafe.

The first 10 volunteers are
Maureen Cunningham
Margaret McCarthy
Eddie Canny
Mae Canny
Gina Leonardi
Noreen Lucey
Marian Buckley
Bridie O Connell
MaryG Murphy
Michael Stubbs
Sorcha Keane has now joined us. Dec 2015

Monday 12 October 2015

Dates for your Diary

There will be an intergenerational Quiz at City Hall on 21st October at 4pm . Admission is FREE.
Teams will comprise 2 over 50 and 2 secondary school students. Do come along for an enjoyable evening, Contact Phil on 087 2987161

A demonstration on Kurling will be held in Douglas GAA hall on October 30th at 2.30 pm. Do come along for an enjoyable afternoon.

Don't forget Christmas Krackers on 23rd and 24th November at the Gleneagle Hotel Killarney. 2 night stay with entertainment and Gala Ball on 24th.

Sunday 11 October 2015


Don't forget to visit Bob'sDAILY blog. He has wonderful pictures of his adopted Kerry. He has a discerning artist's eye and some of the places he paints will be familiar to you.

The Joy of being a Grandparent

You are invited to come along to Ardfert Retreat Centre on 29th October from 10 am to 12 noon to share stories and wisdom about being a grandparent.Enjoy a cuppa,chat,friendship and support.
Joan Barrett -life and parent coach. For bookings and further information  086 3583120
E mail:

Monday 5 October 2015

Autumn Break at Athlone Mallow ARA

This year we spent our autumn break at the Sheraton Hotel Athlone travelling with McGinley coaches from 26th to 30th September. We stopped at Abbey Court hotel for a lovely lunch and then progressed to Lough Boora. It is fairly newly developed  by Bord na Mona with young trees and heathers winding paths and visitor centre a lake of course and bikes for hire. picture shows Maureen trying to mount a HI Nelly.
We reached our hotel about 5pm We had a lovely meal and played cards or relaxed in the bar that evening.During our 4 day trip we visited a clay pipe factory where we saw clay pipes being made.They are mostly  for the tourist industry now but there was a time when most houses had someone who smoked a clay pipe.We also visited King House in Boyle which was most impressive, St Mels Cathedral in Longford which is fabulous and a credit to the local people having rebuilt after it was burned down some years ago. That night we had music or cards after dinner.
On the next day we went on a boat trip on Lough Rea and visited Belvedere house and Gardens followed by a delicious meal and dancing or cards again. On the last day we visited Clonmacnoise and stopped at the County Arms hotel Birr for a lovely lunch before heading home. In between all that we fitted in some shopping(Athlone has some fab shops) visited therapy pool each morning (not everyone) and had a massage in the fabulous Spa. The nicest one I have ever seen!. Thank you Vivienne.
We would recommend this hotel for rooms staff meals friendliness.We had a wonderful time. we were very lucky also that we got lovely sunny weather.Thank you also Charlie our driver and guide.

Friday 25 September 2015

Day Trip to Lough Gur /Mallow ARA

We had a fabulous day out in and around Lough Gur on Thursday 24 th September. Our first stop was at Deebert house Hotel Killmallock where they were waiting for us with tea/coffee and scones fresh out of the oven.Delicious! Our next stop was at Terra Nova award winning garden Atlacca. Definately my kind of garden, lots of flowers plants trees, loads of colour even near Autumn as it is now. Lots of curving paths and a surprise around every corner, a fairy garden a penny bridge a wishing ball and lots of other interesting things. Must be seen to be believed.Its a credit to Debra and Martin and Debra gave us some cuttings too.
Our next stop was at Ballyneety Golf Club where we had a lovely light lunch. Its a lovely place very well kept and the view out over the greens is really lovely.
the afternoon was devoted to a tour of Lough Gur. Our Guide met us at the the Stone Circle where she told us interesting stories about the area. It is said that witches come down there at the time of the Solstice where the sun can be seen shining through the stones.Some of our members are seen in the photo trying to feel the energy through this large stone.

We saw an ancient church and buriel ground and a chair sculpted out of a fallen tree before going on to the actual lake and visitor centre where we had more entertaining stories about the area.Thank you to our guide who was very knowledgeable. We had a very enjoyable day.We finished our day with a delicious meal at Deebert house.Very many thanks to Margaret and her team

                                                           Bridie on the sculpted tree
In the dining room at Deebert house
This beautiful picture is from the garden at Terra Nova.
Picture by Noreen Lucey

Thursday 27 August 2015

Rhine Cruise /Mallow ARA

We have just returned from our Cruise on the Rhine taking in Germany France and Switzerland.We travelled with Riviera Cruises and would like to thank Ruth Haugh of Travel Focus for arranging our trip. We had a really wonderful trip of a lifetime.We travelled via Dublin to Dussledorf where we were picked up and taken on to Cologne to our ship The MS Jane Austin. It is the first season for this ship so everything was spanking new.The ship was very comfortable with a large lounge at the front with bar and grand piano and a smaller cafe at the rear where we could get coffee tea and cookies 24/7. There were 3 decks and the dining room was on the middle deck with sun deck on top with plunge pool and small putting green. there was also a sauna steam room and hairdressers. The staff were very nice and couldn't do enough for us. We also had 3 reps from Riviera travel who were wonderful at organising our trips and seeing to our every comfort.
The food was absolutely wonderful and beautifully presented. The trip included breakfast ,Lunch ,Afternoon tea and 6 course dinner, so I am afraid we are all on diets now!
our trips included Koblenz.Rudeshein,Speyer, Strasbourg,Breisach, Lucerne,Titsee and Basel. We travelled through the fabulous Rhine Gorge, the black Forest and the Swiss Alps seeing the Eiger and the Junfrau. We saw the Lorlei which many will know was a temptress who lured sailors to their death.
On the Swiss Alps we saw the cows with the bells around their necks and a beautiful Alpine garden with lovely flowers including the Eidleweiss.
On our return we flew back from Zurick which is an enormous airport, it even has a train to take us to the boarding gate!

Margaret and Rene

The Eidleweiss

Photos Margaret McCarthy

Celebrating Rene's birthday

The chapel bridge in Lucerne
Farmhouse in Switzerlan
Photos Rene Collins

Rene and Margaret with Captain Patrick Duerloo celebrating her birthday with Champagne

Friday 24 July 2015

Trip to Valentia July 23rd 2015/Mallow ARA

A full coach (52) from Mallow ARA visited Valentia Island on Thursday 23rd July.We were blessed with a lovely sunny day but not too hot.We started out at 8 am as it is along journey from Mallow and we wanted to fit in as much as possible. our first stop was at Bunkers restaurant in Killorglin where they had Tea/Coffee and scones waiting for us.Then we travelled on to Valentia through beautiful countryside where we stopped at Knightstown for a wander around and a bite of lunch. Then we headed for the Skellig Heritage Centre.We saw a brief video of the Skellig rocks which was truly awesome. This was followed by a two hour trip to the Skelligs rocks. It was absolutely fantastic and well worth the trip. As the boats could only take 12 people we had to go out there in relays in several boats.The rocks are colonised by thousands of birds including Gannet, Guillemot and Puffin. At times the amount of birds there look like a carpet. In the meantime there is a shop cafe and exhibition in the building . Also as it was so fine we could sit outside on the grass or the benches while waiting our turn. all this was pre booked of course but we could not all be accomadated together. After a wonderful afternoon on Valentia we headed back to Bunkers where a lovely meal was waiting for us having ordered it in the morning.
Mae Eddie and Bernadette
Mae Margaret and Bernadette

Connor and Michael

Photographs Michael Stubbs and Margaret McCarthy