Wednesday 14 October 2015

Mallow Volunteers

Mallow ARA have started a new venture Volunteer Receptionists at the Mallow Primary Care Health Centre. We have 10 volunteersa to begin with and have 2 people on duty Monday and Thursday mornings on a rota basis. We will be based inside the main door and will assist with directions and guidance to specific clinics. We began on Monday 12th October and so far our members are enjoying it.We have 18 Doctors in three different practices and 14 clinics as well as 25 other facilities plus an optician,chemist and a cafe.

The first 10 volunteers are
Maureen Cunningham
Margaret McCarthy
Eddie Canny
Mae Canny
Gina Leonardi
Noreen Lucey
Marian Buckley
Bridie O Connell
MaryG Murphy
Michael Stubbs
Sorcha Keane has now joined us. Dec 2015

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