Monday 2 March 2020

Southern Region AGM

A large crowd attended the Southern Region AGM on Wed 26th Feb 2020.
Kay Murphy was very emotional as it is her last meeting in Killarney as President but not her last visit to Killarney! She said she enjoyed her time as Prersident and particularly visiting the different ARAs. She particularly  memtioned her visit to Mallow where they celebrated 25 yrs with Mass and lunch and music and dancing last September. She asked us all to lobby for a minister for older people and said Active Retirement were looking for an increase in the living alone allowance.

Ann O Brien said she had helped to start 2 new ARAs . She also mentioned her trip to Mallow where she really enjoyed the days entertainment..2 people from CIC spoke about the work they do. Most enquiries now are Social Welfare related. They also stressed the need for making a will and having Enduring Power of Attorney  and to plan ahead with regard with your health care choices.

Martin Casey was re elected as chair
Con Sheehan Vice chair
Ruth Hornfeck Secretary
Marie Hackett treasurer
John Noel Cronin Committee
2 new committee members from Kerry were elected.

Fermoy are having an open day on Friday 27th Feb demonstrating Kurling and Pickleball.
10.30 to 1.30 at the dance hall youth club, Ashe Quay.

Cobh have invited us to a tea dance to celebrate 10 years.  Community hall 25th March 2.30 to 5.30om

Margaret, Essie,Rene,Eileen,Michael and Florence

Margaret,Essie,Rene,Eileen,John Noel 

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