Wednesday 5 February 2020


Mallow ARA held their AGM on Tuesday 28th January.

Officers elected were

Chairperson  John Noel Cronin
Vice chair  Brenda Greene
Secretary  Joan Syms
Assistant secretary  Bridie O Connell
Treasurer  Maria Roettger
PRO  Eileen Forde

Mary Daly
Maureen O Mahoney
Michael Stubbs
Leish O Callaghan
Mary Theresa Linehan
Maeve O Sheil
Margaret McCarthy.

4th February
At our first committee meeting we organized our calendar of events for 6 months.

February 13th  Visit to Templemore Training College.

March 19th Visit Dublin and tour of Tenement Museum at Henrietts St

April 23rd Rimg of Kerry

May 28th Visit Bantry House and Gardens and Whiddy Island

June  18th Visit Lafcadio Japanese Gardens and Tramore

July 16th Visit Holy Island Co Clare

March 30th Spring break of 3 nights to be finalized

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