Sunday 26 May 2019


Annsgrove house and gardens have been taken over by the OPW and the garden is open to the public on Sat and Sun for the month of June. The house is not ready for viewing yet. A group of our members had a river tour last Sat with the head gardener and architect. He is very pleasant and is passionate about what he does. In conjunctiom with Patrick Ainsley he is planning to bring the gardens back to their former glory. It is beautiful and it is peaceful. I plan to go back next year to see the progress.
Annsgrove is just outside Castletownroche. Ring Avondhu/Blackwater for a booking. 022 46580.
Entry is free.

Michael among the Rhododendrons!
Photos Michael Stubbs
 Margaret and Nora with guide Neil

Cornus Kousa (China Girl)

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