Wednesday 19 December 2018

Mallow Christmas party 2018

Mallow ARA held their last meeting for 2018 with a party  with Irish coffee and mince pies in the Mercy centre. A large crowd attended. John Arnold provided the entertainment with side splitting stories that put everybody in a good mood. The art group displayed their lovely paintings and their teacher Marian attended. Very many thanks to the committee for all their hard work preparing for this event and clearing away afterwards. We will resume our meetings on 15th January at the Parish       centre.

 Art class with their teacher in red coat.Nora,Brenda, Ros, Mike, Mary, Marian and Pat
 Committee members Michael, Essie, Brenda. Nuala, Phil,Joan,Eileen, Margaret and Patricia. missing from picture Maria.
Michael Stubbs Chair presenting Noreen Brennan with the proceeds of a collection for Vincent de Paul  made at the party. Also in picture Brenda Greene.
Photos Michael Stubbs

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