Wednesday 28 March 2018


We are drowning in plastic! Our rivers lakes ponds and oceans are full  of plastic and we are the cause.It is polluting the water and killing the fish and we are eating the fish!
We in Mallow have a short talk each week about ways of reducing the use of plastic. A small prize is given for the best or mopst interesting suggestion. My first picture shows what it might be like soon in Ireland if we do not take heed.

A beach covered in plastic!

One of the worst offenders apart from cigarette butts is coffee cups of the take out variety.
We are encouraging our members to use re usable coffee cups.There are a good variety of them available at reasonable prices plain or very fancy floral etc. We are also asking the cafes if they are using compostable coffee cups and if not why not.

 This cafe also uses paper NOT plastic straws!

Dulcies Bun House in Oliver Plunkett St Cork.
Lovely coffee Delicious pancakes and waffles too!

 Griffins Garden Centre

Dukes in City Gate Mahon.
Lovely coffee and very pleasant staff.

Origins Hairdressers in Drawbridge St off Patrick St Cork

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