Monday 23 May 2016


October 11th
   Regional meeting at Gleneagle Hotel Killarney.
Maureen Kavanagh will speak followed by round table discussion.
Demonstration by First Responders.
First Responders are the first people to arrive after a 999 or 112 call.
They are well trained but are all volunteers so need good transport and equipment.The ambulance does not usually arrive for maybe  half an hour or longer.That 30 minutes could make all the difference between life or death. Remember it could be you or I !
After lunch there will be music and dancing.
Cost will be €10

October 28th

Coffee morning  in each ARA for First Responders. It is hoped all ARA's will be able to have this fundraiser on the same morning. All proceeds to First Responders in their own area.

November 21st and 22nd

Christmas Craicers in the Gleneagle Hotel  Killarney.

Limited number of rooms available for Active Retired members. Don't forget to mention Active Retired when booking.
2 nights B&B and 2 dinners ( Gala Dinner on the 2nd night)
 Price €109 ( €25 ss)

Friday 13 May 2016

Mallow Spring Break

This year we spent our Spring break in Co Louth the smallest County in Ireland.We went from 9th to the 12th of May and stayed at the Ballymascanlan House Hotel outside Dundalk.It is a fabulous hotel with Golf course Tennis Court and Leisure Centre, lovely gardens and walks.The weather was very kind to us too. We travelled with McGinley Coaches and Charlie was our driver again this year, and looked after us very well. Definately Charlie is me darling!
On the first day out we visited Downpatrick cathedral and the cemetary where St Patrick is buried. Also buried here are St Bridget and St Colomba (also known as St Colmcille).It was predicted that 3 saints would be buried here.
We visited lots of different places on our travels with little stories from Charlie to keep us entertained including Newcastle, Greenore , Omeath, Kilkeel,Newry, Dundalk, Portadown. On the second day out we went first to Armagh Cathedral where we had a conducted tour.There were some really fabulous stained glass windows here.There were several references to St Malachy and when I asked I was told he was the Patron saint of Armagh. Beside  the chuch is the residence of the Primate of all Ireland Archbishop Eamonn Walshe.We then went to Carlingford Lough and to Carlingford village. A dotey little village with lovely coffee shops with delicious cakes  and a vintage market packed with stuff. I could have spent all day there! We then went to St Bridgets birth place in Faughart. There is a lovely Oratory there and a grotto in the woods. It was so peaceful there just the tinkling water.
As we were driving along country roads Charlie was telling us that this was bandid country in the time of the Troubles and often the back roads were closed to prevent smuggling! We also visited Spelga Dam a mass of water with the Mourne mountains in the background.
We called to Newbridge for lunch one day and visited the clothes museum and Durrow another day .On the last day on our way home we visited Drogheda and St Marys church were is exhibited the head of St Oliver. He died for his Faith and was interred in Newgate Prison and hung at Tyburn. Then he was hung drawn and quartered as an example I presume.

We had a really enjoyable time , the hotel was lovely and the staff fantastic.Thanks to Mary G for organising it.
Now for the photos.

Liz, Kathleen and Lil

Charlie and Nancy

At Spelga Dam 

St Patricks Cathedral Armagh

Nora and the Angel Gabriel

A beautiful floor design at St Patricks

St Patricks Cathedral

Maureen Lil and Lilanne
Charlie talking at St Patricks grave Downpatrick

Attracta and Sonny
At the grave of St Patrick, St Bridget and St Colomba

At St Patricks grave

Donie and Maura
Attracta, Sonny, Donie, Maura and Nora
 Kathleen and Maureen

Lil and Lilanne

Sheila and Dora

Bernadette Nancy and Betty

liz and Margaret
Maura and Donie

Bernadette NancyLilanne and Phyl

Sheila and Breeda

Mary and Tom

Sorcha Sheila and Breeda
Attracta and Sonny

Pat Sheila and Nancy
St Patricks Cathedral

Ready to go home.
Photos Mary Murphy and Mgt Mc Carthy


Our National AGM was held this year at the Slieve Russell Hotel in Cavan on 27th April. Approximately 500 members attended. May Quaid was re elected as President for another year. the only other change was Helen O Flynn was elected from Ovens ARA to the Board. We are delighted to have a Cork woman in high places.
President Michael D Higgins attended with his lady wife Sabina. He gave a very humouros speech slipping from Irish to English effortlessly. Afterwards he was presented with a framed life membership of Active Retirement Ireland. Sabins was presented with a bouquet of flowers and gave a short speech also.She extolled the virtues of Yoga and Tai Chi for our age group and said she is a great promoter of breast feeding . She said there would be no obese children then.

Our new Board member Helen O Flynn from Ovens ARA with friend

President Michael D Higgins at the National AGM

Anne O Brien May Quaid and Ml D Higgins
Noreen Lawlor Margaret McCarthyAnneO Brien and Breda Prendagast

Kicking up a storm

Sunday 8 May 2016


Some friends and myself attended the Donoughmore Flower Power Social dance on Sunday evening 1st May as part of Bealtaine. We were asked to wear something flowery but weren't too sure how far to go since we are no longer teenagers. We need not have worried as when we got there ( the community  hall in Stuake) we got a great welcome and were amazed to see all the flowery outfits from dresses, shirts, blouses, tops, pants, flowers in the hair, wigs even flowers in wrist bands. They went all out!
We got a lovely spread of home made sandwiches and snacks as well as tea and coffee.
Then all out on the floor to the tempo of the Marino Sound and I mean all out , no wallflowers here!
I have a few photos taken by Rene on her Iphone as I forgot my camera worrying about my outfit!

Margaret and Joan

Sean and Rene
Mary and Nora

Rene and Joan
Margaret and Monica

Sean in all his glory

Photos by Rene Collins on her Iphone

If you have any more photos I would love to have them. E mail to me at
or post photos to me at 24 Dromore drive Mallow

We had a wonderful time so thanks to Monica Kelleher Chairperson of Donoughmore and all the committee including Noreen O Regan. We are looking to next year already!