Wednesday 1 April 2015

Mallow Calender of Events 2nd Quarter

Tuesday 5th May  Speaker  Sheila Kadoo (MPHC) will talk on the Crystal Project

Tuesday 19th May  Speaker Conor Healy Manager  (MPHC)

Thursday 21st May Trip to Botanic Gardens by train and bus

Thursday 18th June   Trip to Dingle including boat trip on Dingle Bay and trip around Slea Head

Thursday 23rd July      Trip to Valentia Island including boat trip to Skellig Rock and Island tour

No day trips for month of August.

17th August  7 night River Cruise on Rhine to Germany and Switzerland

Thurs 24th September  Trip to Lough Gur and award winning Garden

Autumn Break in October to Athlone for 3 nights. Details later

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