Monday 22 December 2014

christmas lunch

Mallow ARA celebrated their Christmas  lunch this year at Springfort Hall Country House Hotel.
Special guest on the day was Anne O Brien Regional Developement Officer. We were delighted to see Anne as she could not make it on our 20th Anniversary in September.
After a mulled wine reception and a delicious lunch served up by the very capable staff of Springfort Hall under the supervision of Eileen and Paul we had some lovely music with Billy and John. We stepped it out with the Siege of Ennis and the slosh( not very good) according to John Noel.
Anyway we had a very enjoyable day.

Photo shows committee members with Anne O Brien.

Back Row l to r   Denis Murphy.John Noel Cronin and Rene Collins

Middle Row  Mary G Murphy (Treasurer) Mary O Leary and Pearl Lowney (Secretary)
Front Row Margaret Fogarty,Anne O Brien,Margaret McCarthy (chairperson),Eileen Cronin,Mary O Shea (Vice- Chair) and Mae Canny (Asst Sec),

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