Tuesday 17 June 2014

St Anthony's Day

As many of you will know St Anthony's day is on 13th June and St Francis church (The Friary) in Cork celebrate Mass specially on that day each year at which Lilies are blessed.So this year on the evening of 12th I went around all my neighbours who had lilies and got a few from each to take to Cork. On the 13th we went to Cork by bus and on the walk over to St Francis church it was amazing to see all the people going in the same direction with their lilies. Bunches of lilies , shopping bags with lilies peeping out and even one elderly man with a single Lily wrapped in newspaper. The church was packed to the rafters for this annual celebration. It was a beautiful ceremony con-celebrated by two Franciscan priests and attended by Bishop John Buckley. One of the priests said there is still faith in the country when I see so many devoted people here today with their lilies. As we all know St Anthony is known as the saint of things lost but I found out that day that he is also patron saint of amputations and the humble donkey!
In this church there is a side altar devoted to St Anthony and that day there was a queue to light candles for students sitting exams and petition for lost items and to touch the relic of St Anthony. I was truly inspired by this beautiful ceremony and would advise anyone to go there next year.
Of course all my neighbours and friends got petals of the lilies from me.Traditionally these can be placed between the pages of a book or bible.
Margaret McCarthy

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