Thursday 27 July 2017

Mallow and the Scottish Isles

A group from Mallow with friends from Dublin had a very enjoyable holiday with JMG travel on board the MV Magellan.We were collected in Mallow by JMG coaches and boarded the ship at Dublin.We travelled overnight to Liverpool and spent the next day touring Liverlool. We travelled to Greenock and did a tour of the Lakes including Loch Lomond.We also visited the picturesque village of Luss.
The next night we travelled to Mull and having crossed to the island by ferry we saw the beautiful village of Tobermorey. We then travelled by coach across the island and took another ferry to Iona a lovely tranquil island which looks like a dot on the map it is so tiny. this is where St Colmcille set up a monastery in bygone days. We had a tour of the monastery a very well preserved building. It was lovely and balmy there with the sheep cropping in the fields and the long horned cows dozing in the ruins.As we were out for the day we were given a picnic lunch. later in the evening we returned to the sip to a lovely and delicious dinner as usual.
Am ong the other islands we visited was Orkney where we saw among other things the rare flower flower calles Primula Scottica which only grows on Orkney.this island has lush green fields and no trees. They gave herds of Aberdeen Angus cows and sheep. On the islands they have several breed of sheep white ,black and Jacob black and white.
We also visited the Faroes and the town of Torshaven which is owned by Denmark and one cafe would only take Krona or credit card for coffee. However some other shops were glad to take our sterling! the next day we visited the Shetlands where it rained , the only rain we saw in the whole week.We saw some Shetland ponies but the lady who breeds them said there is very little call for them now.We saw some traditional wool jumpers and lovely handmade silver.
On the 7th day we visited Dundee and went out to see Glamis castle childhood home of the Queen Mother. It was a fabulous place. on the last night we travelled to Nrecastle wher we were bussed home gy JMG coaches stopping in Chester at a designer village and crossing on the ferry to Dublin and onwards to Mallow..
The ship was fabulous had 2 pools and 3 jacuzzis, card room, library with good supply of books , gymnasium, 3 dining rooms, spa, 4 bars, theatre, ( we would give our back teeth for one like this in Mallow)dance floor so we need never be bored. the food was to die for and we had a different menu each night.The cabins were very comfortable and the staff very pleasant and attentive.

Me with the fab 4 in Liverpool holding Paul McCartneys hand
Photo Mary Flood

On boarding the ship Margaret Mary and Nora


Long horned cow on Iona

 Artwork with fruit

Artwork with vegetables

More fruit

A bit scary this  one

He said this was his cousin!

More artwork made out of melons and other fruit
Photos Margaret Mc Carthy

with Monica in Tobermorey Island of Mull
Nora Margaret Victor Helen and Monica

Glamis Castle home of the Queen Mother

Tobermorey with our ship on the right

Enjoying another meal Margaret Mary Monica Nora and Helen

Shetland ponies at their stud farm in the rain, Shetland Island.
Photo Mary Flood

 Primula Scottica rare flower grown only on Orkney apparently.

Celebrating Helen's birthday(centre)

Photos Monica Kelleher

Saturday 1 July 2017

MALLOW Calendar of Events July 17 to Jan 18

Thursday July 6th     Evening in  Bru Boru Cashel (Dinner and Show)

Thursday 20th July Day trip to Listowel Heritage Centre and Ballybunion

Thursday 21st September  Day trip to Glengariffe and Garnish Island

Monday 2nd October  3ngt trip to Arklow Bay Hotel and various trips

Thursday 12th October  Matinee of Miss Saigon at Bord Gais Theatre Dublin

Thursday 19th October  Day trip and Guided tour of Glasnevin cemetary

Thursday 16th November  Afternoon Tea in Hayfield Manor

Thursday 7th December  Christmas lunch at Dunraven Arms Adare

Tuesday 12th December  Irish Coffee morning at the Mercy centre

Saturday 6th January  Womens Little xmas Venue to be decided

Tuesday 30th January  AGM